Guess who is on one of their favourite hikes by far?! And yes, that's the Height of emotion I can reach; could I intend that pun more?!
Hike: Mt. Rainier (alt. 7119'), the crown of the Pacific Northwest! This exact spot is somewhere along the Skyline Trail. |
Who am I?A Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions ESR and PhD candidate in Particle Physics, jointly at the University of Manchester (UK) and CERN (starting Sept. '22). I prefer being an eclectic rag over monotone gold. I have a Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering with a Minor in Humanitarian Sciences; a Master's in Robotics Engineering from WPI (MA, USA); and no understanding, what so ever, of the word 'sarcasm'.
Current Research Interests: Deep Learning, Anomaly Detection, Real Time Analysis, Applied Particle Physics, Dark Matter Searches, Neural Data Compression, Sustainable Software Past Research Interests: Control Systems, Robot Dynamics, Computer Vision, Mechanical Systems Design, Automobile Engineering, Cognitive Sciences. Sports: Tennis(Collegiate Nationals), Snooker(Beginner), Soccer(Beginner), Badminton(Beginner), Table Tennis(Beginner), Ultimate Frisbee(Beginner), Racquetball(Beginner), Basketball(Beginner), Formula 1 Racing, Formula E Racing. Outdoors: Hiking/Snow-shoeing, Rock Climbing, Via Ferrata, Kayaking, Snowboarding. {Desperately want to try} - sky-diving, bungee jumping, deep sea diving, paragliding, base jumping. Hobbies: Guitar, Music Production, Cardistry, Cooking, Baking, Gaming, Cryptic Poetry, Random Pondering(favourite by far). |